Thursday, December 29, 2011

some yays!

I got my port out Tuesday.  I didn't realize how stressed I was about having it done.
They told me they weren't going to completely knock me out this time but I wouldn't
know what was happening.  When they took me into the operating room I asked them,
"You said I wouldn't know what was happening right?"  the nurse responded,
"Right, you won't feel a thing."  They tied down both of my hands so I wouldn't "help"
the Dr. and my legs.  They put something blue over my face and then I felt the Dr. give
me a shot next to the port to numb the area.  I heard her say "blade" and then felt her push
on it and I could feel it going across my skin.  I will say nothing hurt except the initial shot and
when  it felt like she was stitching it up but she used glue so I don't know why it felt like
she was stitching it, weird.  I felt fine after except very sore.  When I tried to eat later in the evening
I couldn't keep anything down.  I haven't been able to eat much in the past week and I've lost
about 6 lbs. but I am starting to feel better from the surgery and tomorrow is my last day
of radiation, yay! yay! and yay! again!!!!  I hope this is my last time of radiation forever.  
I have been radiated a total of 59 times.  I should have a long shelf life now.

I do want to say the nurse I had when I went in, her name was Cheryl, was awesome.
She was extremely sweet and tried to help me however needed and keep me as pain free
as possible.  She was just a very kind, Christian lady.

The radiologist said it would be 2-3 weeks before I would be able to eat without pain after
my last treatment.  He also said it would be up to 9 weeks or so for the areas he radiated to start feeling better.
I am going to enjoy not going to the Dr. 5 days a week very much!