Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reading a book my mom gave me: Response Able

How do you live your life? based on passion or principles?

good principles:
Invest more in others than you spend on yourself.

Live everyday as if there is instant replay and your every move
is going to be reviewed.

Be grateful for everything. Even the hard days have value.

Health news: able to put some weight on my leg. Still have to use the
walker and pain meds but I can tell it's healing - I think - quickly and well.
Still get tired fast and easily but that's supposed to be normal too.

Yesterday reading: Jesus Calling
As you look at the day before you, you see a twisted, complicated path, with branches going off in all directions. You wonder how you can possible find your way through that maze. Then you remember the One who is with you always, holding you by your right hand. You recall My promise to guide you with My counsel, and you begin to relax.

This is very true and sometimes hard to keep in view but it needs to be, and I am grateful!

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